SPJ A&M-San Antonio

This is the official site for Texas A&M-San Antonio's student chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists


For more than 100 years the Society of Professional Journalists has been dedicated to encouraging a climate in which journalism can be practiced more freely and fully, stimulating high standards and ethical behavior in the practice of journalism and perpetuating a free press.

Mission Statement:
Texas A&M University-San Antonio’s Student Chapter is committed to journalistic excellence and providing upper division communications students leadership opportunities, resources and career development opportunities in Region 8.

SPJ’s Campus Media Statement
“Student media are designated public forums, and free from censorship and advance approval of content. Because content and funding are unrelated, and because the role of adviser does not include advance review of content, student media are free to develop editorial policies and news coverage with the understanding that students and student organizations speak only for themselves. Administrators, faculty, staff or other agents shall not consider the student media’s content when making decisions regarding the media’s funding or faculty adviser.”

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